Haven has partnered with PikaPods to offer even cheaper hosting, check out the blog post!

Sign Up for Hosting

$5 per month

Laptop connected to a server

Running your own server gives you the most control over your site and we think it is the best way to run your Haven. But we know that doing it yourself is hard and takes specialized knowledge. We want to make it as easy as possible for everyone to create a safe space to post privately, and share with their friends without subjecting them to big-tech tracking or ads.

For these reasons we're offering to host a Haven for you. For $5 per month, we will run your private blog on a subdomain of havenweb.org on a dedicated virtual server. A subdomain means your site will live at something like example.havenweb.org. A dedicated server means only your Haven runs on that server, it isn't shared with anyone else. Go ahead and give it a try!

(This button takes you to a Stripe page to enter payment information)

After signing up, we will configure and deploy your Haven. Look for an email with login information. If you have not heard from us within 24 hours, feel free to send us a message.